About Us
Welcome to the Charity Helpers Foundation “About Us” section.
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Q: How can I verify that this is a real Charity?
A: You can run our EIN through the IRS “Lookup Tool” or you can see the “Verified Checkmark” that PayPal gave us.
Q: How is this Charity funded?
A: We are funded by private sources, as well as solicited donations and compensation from other non-profits we collaborate with on projects that are funded by a variety of sources including Foundations, Private Donors, Grants, or other sources.
Q: I may want to donate some funds towards this Charity, but I’m curious as to what my contribution will go towards. Explain where my money goes when I donate.
A: If you donate via the “General Donaton” those particular resources can be used for a wider variety of uses both within the Charity (helping with webhosting costs, legal council, etc) and towards our “Primary Mission” which is: To help other Charities with their mission by providing resources in the form of Grants. This may manifest in ways that resemble giving money to hospitals, clinics, rehabs. Perhaps we are able to locate a clothing manufacturer and cut a great deal for a bulk order of sock or blankets. We can then provide a Grant to another Charity, and direct them to use that money to make use of the deal we were able to locate for them. The use of funds provided by the “General Donation” option can take many forms but it all goes towards a good cause.
Additionally, we run what we call “Topical Donations”. The use of these are more specific, and go towards what the stated topic is. For example, if we run a “Topical Donation” campaign for something like “Plant 1 Million Trees” or “Reproductive Assistance Shipping Expenses” or “New Playground Equipment for Pendora Park”, the funds collected for these topical projects go towards these projects only.
As mentioned previously, we have a “Primary Mission” but we also have a “Secondary Mission”. Our secondary mission allows us to participate in “Charitable Functions” as long as we are able to do these functions more efficiently or cheaper than other Charities. For example, Animals Shelters often have agreements already in place to get great deals on food for the animals currently there. We would not attempt to go to a retail outlet, buy a bunch of food, and donate it to the Animal Shelter. This is because the Animal Shelter would be able to get more animal food for that same amount of money if they handle the funds themselves. In contrast, for example, we might inspire a couple of volunteers in particular location to be more active with Charitable Functions in their area. After enough participants have been located, we might instruct them on how to start a food drive, soup kitchen, used clothing and material distribution, etc. Funds may be provided for a short time in this situation because there isn’t anyone in that area who can do it more efficiently or cheaply. In this particular example though, the goal would be to have this newly formed and localized function become trained and autonomous to seek out local funding and operational abilities while we would remain in contact as an advisory role to help them with questions that may develop as they continue.
Q: I’ve come to your website because of something regarding the topic of “Reproductive Assistance“. Can you explain what is going on with that?
A: We do many things, many projects come and go and aren’t mentioned specifically on this website. There are several websites in the “Charity Helpers Foundation” network that we don’t list on our website. One of the things we do is operate an “Open Matching Reproductive Assistance” website as well as an “FDA Registered Sperm Bank”. Our “Human Cell and Tissue Establishment Registration” info is listed below. We were recently inspected by the FDA and everything went fine. We just had to make a minor adjustment to our contract language, not a big deal. Much of the sperm banks operations are funded by private donations, but we do accept donations to help cover intended recipients shipping expenses. This program falls under the operations of our secondary mission, since we are able to do this more efficiently and cheaper than the other “for-profit” alternatives. If you understand how important family is, and you would like to help an intended parents dreams come true, consider helping to cover shipping costs. There are many ways you could donate towards this program. The most convenient way to donate to this “Topical Donation Category” is by Paypal using: This Link. There are more efficient ways to donate such as “Check” and “Automated Clearing House (ACH)” but you would have to contact someone here to arrange that. If you would like to arrange this, contact the Founder by clicking: This Link
— Start —
Our EIN is: 873593600
We are operating as a 501(c)3 and as such your donations can be used for a tax deduction.
HCTERS – FEI: 3026792122
— About —
Charity Helpers Foundations “Primary Mission” is to help other Charities when we are able to. We also collaborate with other Non-Profits and create “Multi-Charity Taskforces“. We aim to complete the tasks specified by Grantors, who supply resources with the intent of completing goals.
One of the main things we do is outreach to help potential volunteers become more effective in their locations.
Additionally our “Secondary Mission” is to do Charitable Functions when we are able to do them cheaper than others can.
— Donations —
As mentioned above, your donation is Tax Deductible.
We only use the “Paypal Payment Gateway” to connect funds.
Paypal offers a very secure processing portal that we trust, and their customer service is acceptable.
You don’t need to have a Paypal account to make a donation, Paypal can also work with most payment cards.
Our “Donation Form” has the ability where the potential donor can edit the price to reflect how much they would like to donate.
When you make a Donation of any amount, you will be E-mailed a receipt and later a “Donation Acknowledgment Letter”.
Paypal is the most convenient method, but there are fees involved with using it. We can accept donations in a more efficient manner using “Check” and “Automated Clearing House (ACH)” but you would have to contact someone here to arrange that. If you would like to arrange this, contact the Founder by clicking: This Link
Note: Your Donation is Tax Deductible, but Non-Refundable.